Health checks for over 75s and Patients not seen for three years.
All patients aged 75 and over are encouraged to undergo an annual health check either at the surgery or, if appropriate, within their own home. Any patient who has not been seen for three years or more is encouraged to attend for a health check.
Child Health Surveillance/Immunisations
You will be sent information about child health and immunisation appointments from Child Health Department, please ring the surgery to make an appointment with the Practice Nurse.
Minor Surgery
The GP s run two minor surgery sessions a month and you will be referred by your GP if they feel it necessary. Your name will be put on a waiting list and you will be contacted when the next appointment is available.
Antenatal Clinic
Wednesday between 9.00 – 12.00 (by appointment only) at Cornerstone.
If you are pregnant you do not necessarily need to see your GP if you are well. Please book into the antenatal clinic to see our team of midwives who will arrange hospital referrals, scans and advise on matters to do with all your needs in pregnancy. For any acute problems such as bleeding or pain in pregnancy you should make an urgent appointment to see you GP or attend A&E. You can refer yourself to the early pregnancy unit at St Mary’s if you are under 20 weeks pregnant and experiencing pain or bleeding Tel: 0161 276 6204.
Flu Jabs/Adult Vaccinations
Flu injections are available from October every year for those considered at risk. The World Health Organisation recommends flu vaccinations for all patients 65 and over and those patients with chest, heart or kidney conditions, those who are immuno-compromised because of chemotherapy, HIV infection and spleen removal. The same group of patients are also advised to have a vaccine against pneumonia. It is also recommended that all pregnant women receive the flu vaccination at any stage in pregnancy.
Smoking Cessation
We actively support and encourage all patients to stop smoking to prevent unnecessary disease and illness such as cancer and respiratory-related problems.
General counselling services for registered patients are accessible through the Primary Care Mental Health Team.